Witaj w Lecturify
Zapewniamy wsparcie dotyczace uslug, dzialajach natywnie na systemach operacyjnych OpenBSD lub Linux na Twoim komputerze.
Zarezerwuj lekcje w dwie minuty.
Porozmawiaj z nami w 5 sekund.
Oferujemy wsparcie w obsludze programow, jak
- ZNC - Program, ktory pozostawia Cie zalogowanym na serwerach IRC, kiedy Twoja lokalna maszyna jest wylaczonabadz nie jest polaczona z internetem.
- TheLounge Instance - Web IRC client to keep remain connected to IRC servers while you are offline.
- gamja + soju - Web IRC client with soju bouncer to keep remain connected to IRC servers while you are offline
To request an account for one of our above IRC services, Connect to our IRC at irc.lecturify.net port 6667 (PlainText) / 6697 (SSL).
Na kanale #lecturify
- Napisz
by zobaczyc jak mozna zglosic sie o nowe konto ZNC - Wpisz
by zglosic prosbe o konto na TheLounge - Wpisz
aby zaaplikowac o konto na gamja+soju
Uslugi serwisow spolecznosciowych
Toard, platforma do wymiany zdjec, zapewniajaca anonimowosc oraz szanujaca prywatnosc.
Matrix, a end-to-end encrypt IM protocol matrix.org
nostr, otwarty protokol dla niepodatnych na cenzure sieci globalnych. Wymaga klient'a.
Bostr, an nostr relay aggregator for saving bandwidth usage when using nostr.
Pleroma, a federated social media
Misskey, another federated social media
Games and video
ytmous, a minimal youtube proxy (source)
Minetest block game minetest.lecturify.net:30000 requires client
Web hosting with PHP, and virtual server rent, are also offered.
Why Lecturify?
We communicate via IRC (text chat) without any video required. This is economical, efficient, low-bandwidth protocol with open standards, with many servers and clients available as free software. Group conversations are possible for collaboration and to meet new people, like you, interested in UNIX and digital safety.
We also offer online internships.
Our software
Lbot http://lecturify.net/lbot.zip, written in Perl, provides guides and tutoring on IRC chat. It includes scripts for classes in many topics, such as ssh, journalism, unix, maths, latex, and more.
See more information: LBot
For further information, Read more about our services, rules, and news.
About us
We are all volunteers. Learn more about who we are, and how to contact us and to contribute; our roadmap.
The content of this website is under Unlicense license which is similar to the public domain.
We are using Weblate for translations.
If you enjoyed the services that we serve, You could help us by sending donation to keep our servers alive via our Liberapay.
Supporter sites: